For those a bit further away it has been snowing here. Last week we got 62 at Flanders and at the beginning of this week we got another 6+inches and then incredibly cold temperatures ( a couple of nights going as low as -16 C). As you can guess this makes doing anything a bit of a struggle and so I haven't been getting out as much as usual. But earlier this week I made it down to Flanders to see how much snow was there and whether the work parties that we had planned were going to be possible. The first hurdle was 1 ft of snow in the car park. The farmer hadn't even been down in his tractor so it made the landrover grunt a bit and I had to do a bit of digging to get it turned round. Once out of the vehicle the cold took your breath away. I got the strange feeling when your nostril hairs freeze and photography was limited as you could only take you gloves for a few seconds at a time. Wading up the path to the viewing tower was hard work but worth it as the view from the tower was magic. Banks of freezing fog were rolling through leaving parts bathed in sunlight and parts disappeared in grey wool. I can't help but wonder how the wildlife manages to survive in the brutal conditions. As with last year it will only become apparent in the spring.
A bit of a thaw has started today so the snow will start to disappear but it will be a while before it is easy for a car to make it down to the car park but in the meantime enjoy the pictures from the warmth of your home. We will keep you posted.