Out chainsawing today with Stephen and Nick. The forecast had one of those big suns on it so we were hopeful that time spent in Ballangrew meadow cutting gorse and willow in preparation for Sunday's volunteer work party was going to warm. Oooops, wrong. First shower came through before we had got to the site. Next shortly after we had fired up the saws and as soon as we started lunch the heavens opened and we sat hunched and powerless as rain hammered our sandwiches. To add to the water from above the fen area that we are clearing of willows was awash so spent a couple of hours swinging a chainsaw in nearly a foot of water. Still we cut lots of willow and from looking at areas that we had cut previous years once the willow is removed the fen fill with a lovely mix of wetland plants.
Another positive was that from the experience I learnt 2 good lessons.
- firstly, don't leave your chainsaw helmet on the ground upside down at lunchtime, especially if it raining,
- secondly if you do leave it upside down, check it and empty it before you put it on.